This Table Contains Each Countries Name. Check Out Your Eligibility Country For Vietnam E-Visa. Check The Table Properly.
Andorra | Denmark | Macedonia | Portugal |
Argentina | Estonia | Malta | Qatar |
Armenia | Fiji | Marshall Islands | Romania |
Australia | Finland | Mexico | Russia |
Austria | France | Micronesia | Samoa |
Azerbaijan | Georgia | Moldova | San Marino |
Belarus | Germany | Monaco | Serbia |
Belgium | Greece | Mongolia | Slovakia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hungary | Montenegro | Slovenia |
Brazil | Iceland | Myanmar | Solomon Islands |
Bruney | India | Nauru | Spain |
Bulgaria | Ireland | Netherland | Sweden |
Canada | Italy | New Zealand | Switzerland |
Chile | Japan | Norway | Timor Leste |
China | Kazakhstan | Palau | United Arab Emirates |
Colombia | Korea (South) | Panama | United Kingdom |
Croatia | Latvia | Papua New Guinea | United States of America |
Cuba | Liechtenstein | Peru | Uruguay |
Cyprus | Lithuania | Philippines | Vanuatu |
Czech Republic | Luxembourg | Poland | Venezuela |
To travel to Vietnam and apply Vietnam e-Visa online, a traveller must be from the eligible list of countries and required to have following documents –
For any queries related to application form, payment updates and e-visa status, please write to On of our support representative will get back to your as soon as possible. Please use the Chat button for any instant help or concerns regarding your e-Visa Vietnam Application.